“O Nobly Born, do not forget the luminous nature of your own mind. Trust it. It is home.”
The Teacher
The Buddha's Story
When the Buddha started to wander around India shortly after his enlightenment, he encountered several men who recognized him to be a very extraordinary being. They asked him: "Are you a god?" "No," he replied. "Are you a reincarnation of god?" "No," he replied."Are you a wizard, then?" "No." "Well, are you a man?" "No." "So what are you?" They asked, being very perplexed. Buddha simply replied: "I am awake."
Buddha means “the awakened one.” How to awaken is all he taught.
For 2600 years the practices and teachings of Buddhism have offered a systematic way to see clearly and live wisely. They have offered a way to discover liberation within our own bodies and minds, in the midst of this very life.
The Path
The Triple Gem
Buddha - Gautama Buddha, whose teachings Buddhism was founded on. Also, one's own innate potential for awakening.
Dharma - The truth of the way things are. Nature.
Sangha - A community of friends practicing the dharma together in order to bring about and to maintain awareness.
The Four Noble Truths
There is suffering.
The origin of suffering is craving.
There is an end to suffering.
The way to the end of suffering is the Noble Eightfold Path.
The Eightfold Path
Wisdom (panna) Factors:
1. Wise View
2. Wise Intention
Ethical Conduct (sila) Factors:
3. Wise Speech
4. Wise Action
5. Wise Livelihood
Concentration (samadhi) Factors:
6. Wise Effort
7. Wise Mindfulness
8. Wise Concentration
The Three Marks of Existence
Impermanence (anicca)
Suffering (dukkha)
No Self (anatta)
The Four Foundations of Mindfulness
Mindfulness of the body, in the body
Mindfulness of feeling tones, whether something is pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral
Mindfulness of the mind, in the mind
Mindfulness of objects, of the mind
The Four Brahmaviharas (Heavenly Abodes)
Loving-kindness (metta)
Compassion (karuna)
Empathetic Joy (mudita)
Equanimity (upekkha)
The Five Precepts
To refrain from taking life
To refrain from taking that which is not freely given
To refrain from sexual misconduct
To refrain from unwise/unskillful speech
To refrain from intoxication
The Five Hindrances
Sensory Desire (kammachanda)
Aversion or ill will (byapada/vyapada)
Sloth and Torpor (thina/middha)
Restlessness (uddhacca/kukkucca)
Doubt (vicikiccha)
The Seven Factors of Enlightenment
Mindfulness (sati)
Investigation of the dharma (dhammavicaya)
Energy (viriya)
Rapture (piti)
Tranquility (passaddhi)
Concentration (samadhi)
Equanimity (upekkha)