Archived talks and guided meditations.
Having the courage and conviction to practice meditation can be challenging even if you’re on a beautiful sandy beach island retreat. Living in community with social distancing to protect ourselves and our loved ones from a viral infection can easily increase the impact of anxiety and fear and provides (whether we like it or not) tremendously fertile ground for insight.
Now more than ever we need to practice mindfulness in these times of uncertainty and rapid change. To support your effort I have included some talks that may be helpful.
Until we meet again, practice and watch your behavior, watch your mind. These are the teachings that bring liberation. It is my hope that we will resume our public gatherings soon in Aspen and Carbondale, CO but that depends entirely on the movement of this virus and the comfort level of the Aspen Chapel and Roaring Fork Aikikai. I will keep you informed as things progress.
I will always have fears, but I need not be my fears, for I have other places within myself from which to speak and act. — Parker J. Palmer
With love, Lisa